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12/30/2006 - Christmas went too fast!
2/4/07 - Well the weather finally got wintery.  Since this weekend was frigidly cold we stayed inside the whole weekend.  We added another section to our master bedroom upgrading project.  Check out the step-by-step pictures as we keep adding on.  It finally snowed too last week and it's so pretty.  I am also grateful for the cold weather since it made the mud go away.  The rain and horrible non-winter weather we were getting was ridiculous.  Hopefully this cold snap will help trim the insect population this summer as well.  One good peace of news for all you winter-hating people out there, Phil did not see his shadow on Friday, so supposedly spring is just around the corner.  We'll see.  The website stated that since 1886 or so when it all started, the groundhog saw his shadow 96 of the years and only didn't see his shadow 15 times (9 times are unrecorded).  It did not say whether on those 15 times if Spring did come early.  Isn't Phil blind anyway?

1/1/07 - We spent the weekend upgrading the master bedroom closet and adding a closet unit for Steve since the closet in the master bedroom is just big enough for me.  Check out our pictures.  It only took Steve and little over 6 months after we were married to finally move in the bedroom. 

12/30/06 - Well Christmas is over and the new year is ready to begin.  Steve and I had a good first Christmas together travelling over 1800 miles to be with both families.  We packed up everything and left, by car, to CT on the 21st in the afternoon.  We arrived in CT around 2am and crashed in bed.  On Friday Dad and I took Steve to Uncle Fran's Christmas tree farm which we had been going to all my life to give him a taste of a real tree farm.  It has been increasingly more difficult to find a tree there, but we found one.  True to a typical Bessette family Christmas we listened to the Chipmunks Christmas album through Mom's 8-track cassette tape converter in the stereo that's the size of a mini cooper as we decorated the Christmas tree.  And wanting to help Steve get his feel for our traditions, the tree fell over after being decorated, despite Dad trying to tie it up with dental floss.  We got pictures of it this year.  In fact the very first pictures I took of the Christmas tree were of it on the ground.  We got to spend time with Kristy, Grandma and Pup-pup, the Bessette family, and went to visit Fr. Belt.  We spent Christmas eve playing drunken pitch, watched Danielle drink her weight in Manhattans and finished the night with the traditional Twas the Night Before Christmas.  Christmas morning we unwrapped presents and had Portuguese sweet bread french toast and the usual Christmas morning bacon fried eggs.  Christmas night we went to Gram's for the Bessette family cousin fun where everyone was there except Michael (who's in Irag) and David.  It was the best cousin turnout in a few years.  The day after Christmas Steve and I got up at 4:30 am and travelled almost 13 hours to Fairfield to his parents and the Hunter family get together.  On the 27th we bowled with the Hunter family cousins and had the Gille family Christmas.  Unfortunately on the 28th, we went to the dentist and had to head back to Findlay for work...what a way to end the vacation.  On our way back we figured out Steve's car had been ransacked the night before taking the Kippy bowling ball but that was all.  Really Bizarre, especially since his car was parked right next to the house.  Apparently Ross's car had been searched, nothing gone, and the neighbors had something stolen out of their car.  On the way home north of Dayton we had front row seats to a police car chase.  I tried to get my camera out in time but only got pictures of the tire tracks from the 4 police cars and the blue mustang and some late following cop cars.  But if you look at the pictures, it was really that close.  We had stopped because we think there was a cop a few cars ahead of us that had laid done some stop sticks.  The blue mustang that was apparently in trouble was right behind us and drove right past us in the grass followed by 3 police cars.  When a fourth police car attempted to cut him off he turned onto the highway on the other side and sped off.  It was a once in a lifetime experience.  So that ended our Christmas vacation.  Hope everyone's Christmas was as exciting as ours!  Check out the pictures.

12/1/06 -  Today we bought our first Christmas tree as husband and wife.  We always go to a wonderful Christmas tree farm called Kaleidoscope Farms.  There they have an adorable miniature donkey named Quizno.  We love Quizno and visit him every year.  The first year we picked out our tree he was a baby.  I look forward to visiting Quizno more than getting the tree.  And if you check out our pictures you will see how much I love him.  I also spent my Saturday decorating the house and getting it festive.  That was a lot of fun too.  And our tree is HUGE.  If got bigger every year.  Check out the progression here.

4/23/06 - Yea I finished!  I competed in my first sprint triathlon today and I still have enough energy to post a report.  I finished in 1:18:44.  Which I think is pretty awesome.  My bike time was remarkable considering I was using my mountain bike.  You can see details on the race distances in the journal entry below.  My swim time was good for a swimmer who only practices once a week and I am happy with my run time because I am NOT a runner.  And considering before I started training I had never run more than 2 miles straight.  My main goal was to make it through the run (since it is the last part of the event) without walking.  And I did it!  And I did it all in a time that was 20 minutes faster than I expected.  So overall I would say it was a good day.  The weather was absolutely fantastic.  I placed 3rd out of the first-timers in my age group and won a chamois.  Overall in my age group I placed 12th out of 21 and I was 49th out of 110 females.  You can check out the results by clicking here.  Just type in my name or do whatever sort you want.  Steve (my support group) did a wonderful job taking pictures which can be viewed by clicking here.  I hope to be able to compete in more triathlons, for now though I am sticking to sprint distances because in all honesty, the run SUCKED. 

4/16/06 - The countdown begins to my triathlon.  One week away.  Next weekend I am competing in my first triathlon.  It's a mini one, slightly smaller than a regular sprint triathlon.  It's a 400 yd swim, 10 mile bike, and 5k run.  A normal sprint triathlon is usually 800 yd swim, 13 mile bike, and 5k run.  The triathlon is called Splash, Flash, and Dash and it's in Carmel, IN.  For the remainder of this week I will be keeping an eye on the weather.  Pray for nice weather, I never trained to bike or run in the rain.  Maybe next Sunday I will have enough strength to report how well I did.

4/03/2006 - Right now I am attempting to overhaul my website despite trying to plan a wedding 700 miles away.  I plan on maintaining this website even after I get married.  Yes, my name will change but all my family and friends will probably have a hard time remembering my new last name.  Plus hopefully this is a bookmarked site and everyone comes here often.  As for the wedding plans, we are right on target.  You can check out the wedding blog here

Oh the weather outside is too warm for Christmas.


Check out Steve and my website for post-wedding pictures and movies! www.SteveandNicoleForever.com



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